Monday, March 22, 2010

Showing Off

The month of March has seen some beauty I just had to show off. On the 11th, Mesa went to her boyfriend's "cadet ball" which seems to me to be something like a JROTC prom type event.

Next was this past Saturday where she went to a church dance. I think this one is where she was the MOST gorgeous.

And would you just look at that awesome hair and makeup? Yep! I did that :) I'm so awesome. Now if I could just make myself look even a fraction that good :S

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Top Ten

There are things you should consider THINKING about before actually SAYING when you come into an herb shop,.... and if you are coming into the shop I work at, I'm begging you to give it one more thought before you say any of the following to me:

  1. Do you know anything about herbs?
  2. When is the other lady in here? She knows more.
  3. You wouldn't know anything about this stuff would you?
  4. You only know whatever you've learned since you started working here, right?
  5. Wow! You know more than I thought you would!
  6. Are you SURE the other lady isn't here?
  7. Are you hiring? (the answer is no, and then...)Oh ok, well I need something to help me pass a drug test, whatcha got?
  8. Oh,... you're not Linda.
  9. This stuff right here will give you cancer.
  10. I'll just come back when SHE'S here.
For the record, there are store clerks I prefer as well. It doesn't always mean I think the others are any less capable of doing the job I need done. It's just because I've gotten acquainted with them and enjoy the opportunity to be around them and be uplifted by their character qualities. Just the same, I would NEVER EVER tell one of the other store clerks "you don't know what you're doing, right?" How rude!

So in a nutshell, think first. It actually encourages me to be nicer in return. And believe me,...I DO know which herbs will give you diarrhea or make you throw up!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Update of the Moment

Some of you, my readers, have wondered where I went, what I'm doing, do I still exist....

I'm here to answer those questions for you :)

Where I went:

What I'm doing:
It's easier to answer what I'm NOT doing. I'm NOT coloring my hair blonde, not going on any special vacations (or even UNspecial vacations), not getting rich quick OR slow, not getting a lot of sleep, not getting my way, ....

I do still exist though, even if only by a thread.

I still keep up with ward history (such as it is) and I still oversee emergency preparedness (which is humongous! Just ask me for a detail or two and see what happens! Or you can take the easy way out and just read my other blog.) I've been a part of Venturing in the BSA for over a year now. I got my ham radio license recently. I survived Tommy's heart attack and subsequent visits to the hospital and doctors doctors doctors (I guess I'm continuing to survive those since they haven't ended yet). Top it all off with this: I just got a third calling- Cub Scouts. That's right, I assist Wanda J. as her assistant den leader for Morgans cub scout pack. I've never had 3 callings at once that I can remember. If I ever did, I have been quite successful at blocking that memory.

So when I say I've been up to my neck in crocodiles, do you believe me?
How did this happen? I dunno...guess I stepped into the wrong puddle.
I have to say though, cub scouts is still pretty fun and I'm learning that as hard as emergency preparedness can be, also can be fun.

Now if I could just stay home long enough to clean my house or cook a regular meal....