Thursday, October 14, 2010


My ears:
All better, thanks to vinegar (of all things)! It took 3 days once I learned the trick, and now I'm back to normal. WHEW! Thank goodness of that!

My blood pressure:
Well, it turns out that my bp isn't as high as it seemed. My monitor wasn't working right. It might need new batteries, I don't know. I have a different monitor now and it seems to agree with every other monitor and doctor/paramedic that has checked my bp lately. So that means 130'ish over 90'ish is where I am. Still not perfect, but not as deadly as it was seeming. The other symptoms I was having along with that .... DEHYDRATION! Now that's a crazy one, right? It just never dawned on me that in my enjoyment of other drinks, I had neglected water so badly. So now I'm drinking water with the occasional taste of something else. It let my pulse rate go down from 146 bpm to 80 bpm and my kidneys quit screaming in pain and my color has normalized. Insane that I even got in this position,...but I'm out now and much much better. Still not taking bp meds though!

My weight:
I'm down 18 pounds now :) WOOHOO!

Manti and Girlfriend:
He's still in love.

Mesa's "love life":
She's got an interest, of course its yet another long-distance thing so it won't be too intense yet I don't think. He's a nice kid who actually cares what I think, so he can hang around a little while longer.

Tommy's health:
His heart is doing very well. The doctor is proud of its current performance. His back is a degenerative condition, so it is steadily degenerating as expected. That means pain, but he's a tough guy and is hanging in there as usual. His knee isn't doing great though. Remember he had surgery on it back in 1994? He was told it likely would have to be done again in 15-20 years. We're in that time period now. It popped last night and he says it really hurts right now. I'm not interested in any more doctors or surgeries or recovery periods. I say he isn't allowed new pain right now. He's trying to listen.

My sanity:
I'm working on getting that back. I've been beading lately, and have made up lots of little things. Linda (my boss at work) fell in love with some jewelry I beaded and she had me put it up for sale at the herb shop. So if you are in Carrollton, stop in and see it for yourself! Or watch the herb shop's blog to see the announcement that will go up there soon.

So,... did I miss anything you wanted to know about?

1 comment:

  1. I am so relieved about your ears and blood pressure, although I wish the 90 were 10 or more points lower. I'm envious of your weight loss but so proud of you! Manti and Mesa you are stuck with. Tommy and your sanity--good luck with that!
