Since then, my own mother has come out with Mommilies of her own,...and they are uniquely hers, I assure you (although a few of them have ended up such a part of my own household that even Mama doesn't remember that SHE invented them!)
Last week, Mama sent out an email to 3/4 of her children to let us know she was going to our baby sisters house to help with kids while Lee was having a baby. When she got there, she sent us another email making sure we knew what was going on,....I guess. She was using Lee's laptop, which is a small one. Mama is used to a very wide ergonomic keyboard on a big computer desk. Her fingers went into shock while trying to type her first email! You can see it too,...and it just gets funnier as the days go by. Of course, I did have to make fun of each and every single email she sent. How can anyone ignore such great Nita-Mommilies???? So I'm sharing. ENJOY!!
March 9th-
Just a note to let you know we will be leaving for Lee's this afternoon sometime and will be at her house until Aquanita comes. I will have the cell phone charged and hopefully hear it if it rings, so feel free to call me if necessary. If I'm driving, Daddy will try to figure out how to answer, so don't be surprised if no one picks up immediately. (Figuring out how to punch the green button can be a little difficult.) I'll let you know when we are coming home, but we hope it will be next Friday.
March 11th-
nothing yet but they need to get one soon ao I CAN GO HOME go my own compuger instead of thisw laptop ghinh
March 14th-
Lee made enough probgress lasg nighg ghag they could pug in the balloon and will soon start the pitocin. She is having some congractions on her own at the moment. Aquanita could be here today.
*NOTE* Aquanita is NOT the baby's name. It's the nickname Mama gave her.
March 14th-
Lee has bone go gher hospigal to hav e the ab y. Will let you khow when I hear someghinb. I hate lapgops.
She's here and everyone is fine, but I'll leg Lee gell you a lout ig. She can gype on one of these conrapions.
From me to all:
Anybody got a Urim & Thummim and can translate this? I think these emails are getting worse instead of better! Oh wait,...maybe Mama is speaking in tongues!!
March 14th-
The problem isn'g with me, it's ghis compusger. The keys are in gthe wronbg place, and it types g's e erfytime I grfy tgo tpye t or b. And igt has exgra spaces. Nagufally ghey lecg Douv's for me go use because it's ibbef, but ev ern if I could see, it doesn't type rivht,
From me to mama:'ll be ok Mama :D
March 15th-
Just got back from the hospital and seeing baby girl. The first thing Lee said was, "She looks like you, Mom," which is why I think she should have been named Aquanita, but instead she is Hannah Elizabeth, also known as HEBay. That hair is incredible. I'll send pictures when we get home. Lee will be released Thursday morning, and if we leave early Friday, we can be home Friday night and go to Sean's baptism on Saturday.
See, Marianna? I DO know how to spell. On this computer I have to watch each letter as I type it and then go back and correct every word a couple of times. It's all Doug's fault.
For inquiring minds that have not yet been notified, Lee's baby was born last night at 8:10 p.m. EDT and weigh 8 lbs. 10 oz. After Lee got to the hospital HEBay, who had finally moved from a horizontal position to the corect position, bergan to move again and went completely breech. Lee said they lcould trace her by listening to her heartberate, which travelled. And I lam not makinbv any more cofrecgions ecause I am out of llpatien e.
Mama, Niga, Banny, whoe er
I hate laptops.
March 15-
It is my goal for the remainder of my life to make my children happyy. If I give you a reason to laugh, you will all wang md go live wigh you insgead of puging m in a home when I ge old.
March 17th-
We are wighin minuges of laac inv cof home. Doug and ghe boys went go ghe drugstore, so we are sneakinb out. We plan go stop at Brushy Mountain bee farm omorrow, so we will bo as far as we can gonibhg and get home somegime gomofow. We will be ag ghe apgism, so have no fear! And after todeay you won't need a Urim and Thummin! I hage lapgops.
From me to all:
I'm going to have to relearn English now.
From Catherine to all:
Someone needs to lay off the sauce.
She seems to be suffering from lapgops. Find a cure for that and she'll be fine (probably for the first time ever!)
ReplyDelete(she's my sister and I can say stuff like that.)
I am officially home and on my own computer now. I feel much better. Dave once gave me a computerless wire for my birthday. I surely do hope he doesn't decide to follow it up with a lapgop in the future.