Thursday, March 8, 2012

Random Spillage

My feelings are quite hurt today and since I don't see much improvement for another month and half at least, I figure I'm on my own to find better things to think about---or let wounds fester. I hate festering wounds, so enjoy my random thoughts in an effort to cheer myself. Perhaps you'll also find something cheerful to think about in the process.
This are Christmas cards the kids made for Manti and his companion. They are ornaments cut from wrapping paper and glued to cardstock. We used ribbons to help decorate them. The kids wrote letters inside each card. Both Manti and his companion seemed to like them and they sent letters and gifts back home for them.
These are "woggles" I made for my cub scouts. They were supposed to be learning to tie a few basic knots and some of them got so frustrated with it that I thought some cordage would be thrown and tears would fall. Luckily it didn't go THAT far, but I did feel bad for them because I've been frustrated before too. So at their next pack meeting, I had one of these for each boy. For them, it wasn't significant, but for me it was HUGE because this is not an easy knot to learn how to tie, and I did it. It took me a good little while, but I did it, and I did it 6 times! A few other adults were impressed that I figured out how to do it, and that made me feel good,... but the bigger thing for me was experiencing their frustration as I tried to learn a knot by following only drawings.
This is a poster that was in the foyer at church. I didn't make the poster, but I did plan the Preparedness Workshop with the help of one of my committee members (name witheld since I don't have her permission to put it here). I had low expectations for this event for several reasons: 1- it was right after a weekend of storms and our men were all asked to go help with clean-up. 2- it was on a weekend...people are oftentimes selfish with their weekends (myself included). 3- It's not a popular topic oftentimes. Well, we asked most of the auxiliaries leadership to take a subject we gave them and to make something of it. I got very little info back that they were working on it, (and that makes for reason #4) but they actually pulled it off quite nicely. One person said to me "if we teach even one person, we've done a good job." He was right,...and shouldn't I look at it as....every SINGLE person is worth the effort? I hope I'm worth that kind of effort to SOMEBODY, so they should be also! I was looking at it that Mesa and John might be "the one" so I just planned on them being the only one to come,... and was pleasantly surprised to see more than that.
We had our cub scout Blue and Gold banquet pack meeting recently. Our theme was Survivor, the tv show. In the show, the contestants work in teams to start with, so each family was a team and we got strips of cloth to wear to identify us as teams. We made family flags too. Then we played games. One game was to build a tower using a small amount of marshmallows and straws and get it to stand on its own 24 inches tall. When we succeeded, we earned our bowls. Then we chose a family member to stand on a can of pineapples and balance with one foot for a full minute. Jared won this one for us, earning us some cups. Then the last game was what you see Morgan finishing. We chose a family member (funny, they were all boys) to fish gummy worms out of a plate of chocolate pudding. When you found them all, you earned your family forks...and then you could eat dinner. It was a fun night and as you can see, Morgan was great at his part in the games.

I think this is funny. We were watching tv the other night and I kept noticing a splotch on the screen. I got up and went to look- it was a gigantic ant! Seriously, that thing was huge! When I realized that, it was sitting on someone's face,... and more faces kept getting graced by that bug. I finally took a bunch of pictures of him. The ant was watching TV with us LOL! I circled him to make sure you could see him too.
This is me. See my medal? I have achieved and received the LDS religious award for scouting's adult leaders called On My Honor. It is an award that requires 3 years of service and an interview with the bishop to obtain,...and I did it! I am very proud of this!

Ok, I'm out of ideas and still feel like saying things I shouldn't if I want to keep the peace, so I think I'll go cook supper now. Thanks for reminiscing through my recent history with me. I guess perhaps I AM a bit cheered, so maybe this was somewhat successful after all.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this blog entry. You come up with such interesting things to do. I wish we were close enough to go to some of those activities and that I could be a Cub Scout in your den.
